Showing posts with label WAMP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WAMP. Show all posts

Monday, February 5, 2018

MySQL Server has Gone Away

 Just left-click wamp icon then choose 'MySQL' then choose my.ini :
 Enlarge the size of 'max_allowed_packet' :
Restart wamp..... aaaanddd doneeee... ;)

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Database Setting in Drupal

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Installing Webform Module in Drupal 7 - Windows 7

First step... Download the webform module from

Neext... Open module tab... and then choose "Install new module"

Browse the webform zip file then hit "Install" button
Just wait for several seconds.... :)
If we go back to module, we can the webform desc rightnow...
Buut.. unfortunately, it needs Ctools and Views... :D
So we need to install them also.... Installation steps are same like above... Just download the zip files..


After installing those 2 modules, we need to enable them like this

After hiting "Save configuration" button....
Okaaaay.... That's all....  :)

ooowh... If we want to add a new webform, we can click "add content" as shown on the picture below

Friday, November 24, 2017

Installing CiviCRM in Drupal 7 - Windows 7

In this post we are going to install CiviCRM in Drupal for windows 7. I'm currently using WAMP for this post. Also if you haven't installed drupal, you can see the steps from this post... Next... Open drupal module page :

Choose "Install new module" as shown in above picture... And then put civicrm url installation :
We can always check the latest civicrm update from it's official site here... Rightnow the latest version is 4.7.27... After putting the url, just hit "Install button" and wait for several minutes... :)
After it finished... We'll see a page like this :
Okaaaay...  If we go back to modules, we'll gonna see civicrm desc like this one
 Next... Wee need to run the civicrm installer. So open this link :
http://your local site/web/sites/all/modules/civicrm/install/index.php

For me, it will be

By opening that link, it actually opens this file :
Aaandd... after opening the page, we'll gonna see this ...

Our next job is configuring database for drupal and civicrm. And in this post, I'm going to separate the database between drupal and civicrm, so I set the configuration like this :

Next just hit "Re-check requirements"... aaaaaand....
ooopsss... there is an error...:v
Just add "thread_stack = 262144" to your my.ini file. For detail about adding that thread_stack, please this page.... And then hit "Re-check requirements" button again aaaaand....
Yaapss... it's okie now.. So we just need to hit "install" button..

Just wait for couple of minutes....aaaand... donee.... :D
Yeeeeeiiii.... :D

We can see civiCRM on our main menu rightnow...

Does MySQL thread_stack meet minimum - Drupal - CiviCRM - Windows

Here is the error message when installing civicrm in drupal wndows 7

To solve that, left-click wamp icon, choose MySQL --> my.ini as shown below
Next.... Just add "thread_stack = 262144" below [mysqld] tag like this :

Aaaandd... doneeee..... ;D

Monday, November 20, 2017

Installing Drupal 8 in windows 7 using composer

Then put the file to www directory in wamp like this :
Then go to ' http://localhost:8181/hisoka_drupal/web/core/install.php ' for opening and configuring our first ever drupal eeaa.. :D

That's all for now... :)

Enabling OPCACHE in WAMP Windows 7

Set these variabels :
Doneee ... :)