Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Disabling SuperPrefecth to Improve Your Computer Speed

Open Registry by typing "regedit" on the run window :

Open SYSTEM - CurrentControlSet :
And then Control :
Next go down to "Session Manager"
Then "Memory Management "
Aaaand Finally click on PrefetchParameters :
Double click "EnableSuperfetch" to change default value to 0
Hit Okie.... After that just close registry window and feel the dramatic speed improvement of your PC or laptop...

*Don't forget to restart your laptop first... :v

reGain Your Quadcore Processors in Windows 7

Okiee... mmmm..... tanpa basa-basi silahkan buka "run" terus masukin "msconfig"
On the Boot Menu, Hit "Advanced Option" button as shown below
Then check the number of processors and then choose 4...
After that just hit OK then apply... aaaaaand you are done... ;)
I hope you computer or laptop is running faster now... :D