Thursday, November 1, 2018

Generate Model, Controller, and Template in CakePHP 3.6

For generating model in cakePhp, we use bake command. The command format is "cake bake model yourModelName". Example :
So basically, when baking a model, we'll get 4 files namely model for table, model for entity, test fixture, and testCase table for article.

For baking controller :

And last is for template :

There is another simple way for baking all those tree items. We can use "cake bake all yourTableName", example is shown below :

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Seeding Tutorial for Beginner in CakePHP - Windows 10

In the previous post. We've learnt a little bit about migrations in cakephp. Rightnow we'll continue our study to seeder. Simply put, seeder is used to add, modify, or delete a data from our database using a simple program. In cakePhp, if we want to create a seeder, then we just simply type "bin\cake bake seed ourTableName". Example is shown below :

Next, we just have fill the $data variabel above like this :
Next for that seeder we can use this command "cake migrations seed --seed UserSeed" as shown below :
Then the result isss.....
Okiee... That's all... :D