Friday, November 16, 2018

Connect to Switch Console Port in Packet Tracer

Okie... First thing let's drag and drop one SWITCH and one PC to our workfield as shown below :
Then choose the cyan color cable (console cable),
 For PC, connect that cable to R 232 :
For Switch, just connect it to console port :
Next go to PC, choose "desktop" tab and open terminal :

aaaandd.... now you are in...

SSH Configuration in Cisco Switch - Packet Tracer

Okie first thing first. Let create our very simple network as shown below

Next let's take a look into our awesome switch CLI. First thin is changing our switch name to something you like. For me I changed to adisw as shown below:
Okie.. Next thing that we want to configure is our vlan. We have our default vlan in our switch. it's named Vlan1. We can see it by executing this command "sh ip int bri" :
We can see that Vlan1 is still down and it doesn't have an IP Address. So lets configure it now. Please follow below commands :
# conf t  ---> go to terminal level
# int vlan 1 ---> enter vlan 1 configuration
# ip add  --> set ip address and subnet mask for vlan 1
# no shut ---> Turn vlan 1 to ON status

If we execute "sh ip int bri" again, we got :
Awesome, our vlan1 is now has an IP address and it's status is now up....
Okie next is configuring our username and password in order to login remote using SSH. To do this, please follow below commands
# conf t
# line vty 0 15 ---> Enter line configuration
# ip domain-name ---> set domain-name to
# username adi secret adi098 ---> set username as adi and password as 098
# crypto key generate rsa  ---> create key encryption, set 768 bit (minimum)
# ip ssh version 2 ---> set SSH version 2

From this point, we already can connect to our switch, but it has no password for entering privilege mode. So let's set that password by using this command "enable password myterfpass"

Okiee... that's all for SSH config. Let's test it in our PC.
First let's set our PC Ip address inside of our vlan 1 subnet mask like this:
Next let's try to ping our vlan 1 IP address :
So it's working good... Next let's try our SSH, "ssh -l username ip_address_ofVlan1"
Let's jump to enable mode :
Yeei... now we enter en-mode so we can configure anything from there...

yeepss.. I think that's all. I hope this post is usefull for you. If you have any questions please leave any comment

Thnk yeww...