Saturday, October 1, 2016

Installing, Configuring, Starting, & Stopping Supervisord on Amazon EC2 Server(centOS) For Laravel - Part 2

So in previous part, we have successfully created the laravel-worker-supervisor.conf. Now in this file we are going to add a new config as mention on laravel official website like this :
So let's add those lines... First open laravel-worker-supervisor.conf, "sudo nano laravel-worker-supervisor.conf" aaaaaand... add the code closer to it's doc like this :D

okaaay... That's all of that... then let's run our supervisord by executing this command :
"supervisord -c /etc/laravel-worker-supervisord.conf".... In order to prove that it's already run, let's execute it again...
So it gives a warning that it's already running.... so that's good... :D

and for the last piece, to stop supervisord on centOS, we can use
"sudo unlink /tmp/supervisor.sock"....

Weeell... That's all of the tutorial... I hope this usefull for someone who are still learning about supervisor like me...ehehe... :D

oooh yaah.. for uninstalling supervisor on centOS, we can use "sudo pip uninstall supervisor"

And I'm sorry because I can't make a video about this one because there are a lot of things to hide like the username, ip, and other credentials ahahaa... :-)

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