Showing posts with label PHP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PHP. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2019

Contoh CakeLog

App::uses('CakeTime', 'Utility');
App::uses('CakeNumber', 'Utility');
App::uses('CakeLog', 'Log');

CakeLog::write('debug', 'jenis lang : '.$language);

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Install PHP.7.2, Apache2 dan Mysql-server di Linux Mint

Apache2 :

Mysql Server :

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Checking CakePHP version of CakePHP 2.10.13

ooowh iyaah... tanda yen diatas tuh sama dengan back slash (\). Itu cuma settingan region ajjah... :-)

Konfigurasi Database cakePHP 2.10.13 menggunakan postgresql

1. buat file baru bernama database.php didalam directory config. Kemudian copy isi dari database.php.default kedalam database.php seperti terlihat pada contoh dibawah :

Jika kita buka localhost maka akan ditampilkan "Your database configuration is present" cuman connectionnya masih missing seperti terlihat dibawah :

2. Berikutnya kita bikin database baru di Pgadmin postgresql. Langkah2nya seperti terlihat dibawah:

3. Silahkan input database dari step 2 ke database.php seperti terlihat dibawah:

Hasilnya :

Seeepssss.... selese daaah....

Nge-Run cakePHP 2.10.13

Friday, November 30, 2018

Uncaught Error: Class 'COM' not found - PHP 7.2.1

To solve this error. Just open your php.ini file, and search for "com_dotnet" and then enable that extension as shown in the picture below

Result :

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Postgres cannot be used in CakepPHP due to missing extension

I changed my app.php database configuration to use Postgreesql like this :
And then when I run bin\cake server, I got this error :
Solution :

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Installing Webform Module in Drupal 7 - Windows 7

First step... Download the webform module from

Neext... Open module tab... and then choose "Install new module"

Browse the webform zip file then hit "Install" button
Just wait for several seconds.... :)
If we go back to module, we can the webform desc rightnow...
Buut.. unfortunately, it needs Ctools and Views... :D
So we need to install them also.... Installation steps are same like above... Just download the zip files..


After installing those 2 modules, we need to enable them like this

After hiting "Save configuration" button....
Okaaaay.... That's all....  :)

ooowh... If we want to add a new webform, we can click "add content" as shown on the picture below

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

array_change_key_case di PHP

Fungsi array_change_key_case intinya ngubah key suatu array menjadi huruf kapital atau menjadi huruf kecil. Contohnya seperti terlihat di bawah
Hasilnya :

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

$_SERVER content in Laravel 5.3

Test basename in Laravel 5.3

parse_url in laravel

is_null and empty in laravel 5.3

So I have an empty table here :
Let's see the first output of this code :
So if we use ::find(), then variabel will pass both empty and null checker....Next how about this one :
Result :
Naaah... as we can see, if we use ::select then variabel is not empty or null... :v
buuut... let's see what happens if we check $empty->name,
Result :
We can't use $empty->name for is_null, so :
Sooo... if we just check $empty, then it won't be empty, but if we use $empty->name, it will be an empty .... yaaapss... Next code :
Again, we can't use $empty->name, so just comment it on.....aaaand... the output is like this :
So if we use ->first(), it will be an empty and null... but how about ->get();
So ->get() will fail at is_null... :D.. Then it will be safe if we use empty($var) instead of using is_null.... Ok... the last :
Like we got from get() before, is_null can't be applied, but if we change it to use ->first(), then :