Showing posts with label command prompt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label command prompt. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2019

Fix bootrec

bootrec /fixmbr
bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup
attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
bootrec /rebuildbcd

Monday, November 19, 2018

Perintah-Perintah Command Prompt di Windows

cmd commandDescription
callcalls a batch file from another one
cdchange directory
clsclear screen
cmdstart command prompt
colorchange console color
dateshow/set date
dirlist directory content
echotext output
exitexits the command prompt or a batch file
findfind files
hostnamedisplay host name
pausepauses the execution of a batch file and shows a message
runasstart a program as another user
shutdownshutdown the computer
sortsort the screen output
startstart an own window to execute a program or command
taskkillterminate a process or a application
tasklistdisplay applications and related tasks
timedisplay/edit the system time
timeoutwait any time
titleset title for prompt
verdisplay operating system version
w32tmsetting time synchronisation/time server/time zone
ftptransfer files to a FTP server
ftypedisplay file type and mapping
getmacdisplay MAC address
ipconfigdisplay IP network settings
netshconfigure/control/display network components
netstatdisplay TCP/IP connections and status
nslookupquery the DNS
pathpingtest the connection to a specific IP address
pingpings the network
routedisplay network routing table, add static routes
systeminfodisplays computer-specific properties and configurations
telnetestablish Telnet connection
tftptransfer files to a TFTP server
tracerttrace routes similar to patchping
attribdisplay file attributes
compcompare file contents
compactdisplay/change file compression
copy / xcopycopy files
diskcompcompare content of two floppy disks
diskcopycopy floppy disc to another one
erase / deldelete one or more files
expandextract files
fccopare files and display the differences
mkdircreate a new directory
movemove/rename files
renamerename files
replacereplace files
rmdir / rddelete directory
treedisplay folder structure graphically
typedisplay content of text files
chkdskcheck volumes
chkntfsdisplay/change volume check at startup
defragdefragment media
diskpartvolume management
driverquerydisplay installed devices and their properties
formatformat volumes
labelchange volume name
modeconfigure interfaces/devices
mountvolassign/delete drive mountpoints
verifymonitoring whether volumes are written correctly
volshow volume description and serial numbers of the HDDs
forfor loop
gpresultdisplay group policies
gpupdateupdate group policies
perfmonstart performance monitor
promptchange command prompt
regadd/read/import/export registry entries

Author: Armin Oberneder

Source :

Melihat List Wifi dan Password Menggunakan CMD - Windows 10

Untuk menampilkan list wifi yang ada dilaptop dapat menggunakan perintah "netsh wlan show profile". Contohnya seperti terlihat dibawah :
Nah misalkan kita pengen ngeliad password untuk wifi "MITLA OFFICE". Jadinya kita eksekusi perintah ini :

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Creating & Deleting Folder Using CMD in Windows 7

Create :
Delete :

nslookup cmd windows

|more &space in command prompt windows

|more dicommand prompt itu ngebatasi output dari console command prompt. Jadi misalkan kita ngeeksekusi suatu perintah yang ooutputnya terllalu panjang, biasanya kn g' kliatan semua yaaak... Naah dengan adanya |more ini tar outputnya dibatasi perlayar ajjah yang bisa ditampilin windows... Contoh...Silahkan buka command prompt di windows...
Skrg kita berada di C:\Windows\System32, naah di sini ada banyak dir kaan... dan g' semua bisa ditampilin di satu screen cmd, jadi sebaiknya kita masukin |more di belakan dir, contohnya kyk gini :
Terus klu kita pengen nampilin sisa outputnya, tinggal pencet tombol "SPACE" di keyboard. SPACE disini nampilin 1 screen lagi. Klu kita pencet "ENTER" cuma nampilin 1 baris pas pencet enter....