Showing posts with label Server. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Server. Show all posts

Friday, October 14, 2016

MySql-Front Preview

Installation :

First View :

So just connect to your db...

First query... :D

Monday, October 3, 2016

My Amazon EC2 Server Root Directory :D

This is just a test server... :D

Changing Owner in Centos

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Installing, Configuring, Starting, & Stopping Supervisord on Amazon EC2 Server(centOS) For Laravel - Part 2

So in previous part, we have successfully created the laravel-worker-supervisor.conf. Now in this file we are going to add a new config as mention on laravel official website like this :
So let's add those lines... First open laravel-worker-supervisor.conf, "sudo nano laravel-worker-supervisor.conf" aaaaaand... add the code closer to it's doc like this :D

okaaay... That's all of that... then let's run our supervisord by executing this command :
"supervisord -c /etc/laravel-worker-supervisord.conf".... In order to prove that it's already run, let's execute it again...
So it gives a warning that it's already running.... so that's good... :D

and for the last piece, to stop supervisord on centOS, we can use
"sudo unlink /tmp/supervisor.sock"....

Weeell... That's all of the tutorial... I hope this usefull for someone who are still learning about supervisor like me...ehehe... :D

oooh yaah.. for uninstalling supervisor on centOS, we can use "sudo pip uninstall supervisor"

And I'm sorry because I can't make a video about this one because there are a lot of things to hide like the username, ip, and other credentials ahahaa... :-)

Installing, Configuring, Starting, & Stopping Supervisord on Amazon EC2 Server For Laravel

First of all, login into your amazon account by opening "" as shown below :

Then put your username and password... :D.... After logging, open service, choose EC2 :

Hit on "Instances" link :

On this page, you see all of your available EC2 service, then choose one of them to install supersord and then copy it's public DNS to be used for loggin in putty... :D

Next... Open putty.exe

Then open "Auth" as pointen green arrow above, then put your amazon private key :
Okiee... After that back to main putty screen, just hit "Open" button

After successfully login with putty, you'll gonna see a main screen like this :
Then let's install supervisor by using this command :
"sudo easy_install supervisor"
After that go to /usr/local/bin, open "echo_supervisord_conf" with this command :
Copy the content of echo_supervisord_conf, then create another file on /etc/ directory, this file called for example "laravel-worker-supervisor.conf"... mmm... for copying the content of echo_supervisord_conf, mark these lines :

then hit "SHIFT + CTRL + C" on your keyboard for copying the content and then type "sudo nano /etc/laravel-worker-supervisor.conf" for creating a new file and opening the file. After type hit "CTRL + V" for saving our copied text before from echo_supervisord_conf. Now our laravel-worker-supervisor.conf should be looked like this :

Okiee... Save this file "CTRL + X" then type "y"....

Go to the next Part...

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Membuat HelloWorld Servlet & JSP

Disini akan diperlihatkan langkah-langkah untuk membuat project helooworld servlet dan jsp untuk pertama kalinya... :D
Sebelumnya, kita udah harus nginstall tomcat dan udah dikonekin ke eclipse. Step2nya bisa dilihat dipostingan ini.
Okiee... langsung ajjah... silahkan klik menu new dieclipse, terus pilih dinamic web project :
Terus muncul window baru, dan silahkan masukin properti2nya seperti terlihat di bawah :

Setelah klik finish, kita akan dikasih project kosong kyk gini :
Naaah..... klu udah familiar sm java atau android, folder src diatas udah g' asing lagi ehehe... :D
klu folder build ituu gunanya buat nyimpen semua binary yang udah dicompile sm eclipsenya, kita g' usah terlalu ngasih perhatian ke build folder ini... :)
Yang penting tuuh... folder WebContent, difolder ini semua halaman web yang static disimpen, jadi semua file-file html, dan jsp akan ditaro difolder WebContent ini. Naaah terus di dalam WebContent ini ada folder WEB-INF, folder ini tuuuh... folder buat file yang tidak dapat dibrowse, jadi klu kita naro file disitu nnti diservernya filenya g' bisa dibrowse oleh user atau bahasa lainnya file-file yang sifatnya privat ditaro di WEB-INF ini... :)

Okiee...berikutnya kita tambain servletnya... yeeeik... soo klik new, terus pilih servlets, masukin parameternya daaan bisa lngsung klik finish :
Stelah itu akan muncul resource baru di folder src kita :
Okiee...terus didalam method doGet, tambain kode ini :

Kodenya cuma ngeprint Hellow Hyosoka sama tanggal...
Naaah... mari kita run programnya, caranya klik kanan pada sembaran tempat kosong difilenya terus pilih Run As -->Run on Server :
Terus boleh lngsung tekan finish, atau centang always use this server juga boleh... tampilannya kyk gini :
Daaan.... hasilnya :
btw... Link dalam kotak ijo diatas bisa kita copy trs dipaste di browser juga kyk gini :
Okieee...naaah... yang servlet udaaah... Next kita beralih ke JSP... JSP-nya di postingan berikutnya ... :)