Showing posts with label Windows 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows 8. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Javascript Hellow World di Visual Studio 2012

Di sini kita akan belajar membuat project hellow world menggunakan javascript di visual studio 2012. Soo.... Silahkan buka visual studio 2012nya.....Pada menu "file" pilih "new" terus "project" seperti terlihat pada gambar di bawah :

Terus pilih Other Languange-->Visual Basic-->Web-->ASP.NET Empty Web Application. Kemudian beri nama projectnya sesuai keinginan trs klu udah... tekan tombol "OK":
Terussss... klik kanan pada project, pilih "Add" pilih "New Item..."
Akan muncul halaman menu baru, terus pilih "HTML Page"...Daan silahkan berikan nama file htmlnya dan tekan tombol "Add" klu udh selese...seperti terlihat di bawah:
Naaah...tampilan awalnya kyk gini:
Terusss.... Pertama-tama kita tambahkan judul dulu... soo.. tambahkan judulnya di bagian tag <title> seperti terlihat di bawah:
Terus silahkan run programnya dengan klik icon di visual studio, disini Hisoka pake google chrome....:-)
Daaan... hasilnya............
Hehehe... Halaman webnya masih kosong....Hehehe.... Terus silahkan tutup kembali google chromenya..terus stop running programnya dgn klik icon ini :
Naaaah...berikutnya kita tambahkan kalimat Hellow world... :D... Silahkan masukin kode berikut dibagian tag <body>
Di kode ituuu.... kita pake type scriptnya javascript...trs pake "alert", alert itu tar nampilin dialog box di browser kita...trs document.write itu nampilin tulisan Hellow Poipo di halaman web kita..... untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan dirunning programmnya dengan cara yang sama seperti sebelumya...daaaaan... hasilnya adalaaaaaah................
Naaah... itu hasil dari "alert("Hellow Hisoka Poipo...");"...trs klu kita tekan tombol OKnya akan muncul yang ini....
Dan yang itu hasil dari  "document.write("Hellow Poipo");"
Yaaaaaikzzzz..... Seperti itu untuk hellow world javascript di visual studio hehehe... :D
Semoga bermanfaat.... :-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Error Code :ssl_error_weak_server_ephemeral_dh_key firefox

For solving this  ssl_error_weak_server_ephemeral_dh_key type "about:config" on your firefox..
Then press enter...
On the search box type "security.ssl3" as shown below :
Next... Change the value of security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_128_sha and security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_256_sha to false.....
Aaand... you are good to go.. you don't have to restart your firefox ... :-)
But as a little information, change those values will decrease the encryption level of our connection to server so the third parties (harckers) can listen or steal our information. So if you face this issue, please tell the administrator of the server to fix this issue on it's server... :-)

Monday, August 31, 2015

Resolving "ASP.NET 4.0 has not been registered..." on Visual Studio 2012-Win 8.1

In order to solve this problem on windows 8.1, go to control panel, click on "program and features" in left side click on the "turn windows features on or off", then tick these options :
Then click "Ok", it will download the required files, just wait it finished....

After that just restart your PC... and everything should be fine... now you can run your javascript program.... :-)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Basic Routing in Laravel 5.1

I'm using laravel version 5.1.10 in this post. If you still don't install it, you can see about my laravel installation process here and here. Aaand...I'm using XAMPP for viewing the laravel default page.
Okieee... Routing.... I don't really know about the best definition for routing :D But I just can say that Routing is something that can handle our request when we are typing a web page on the browser hehehe....For example when we are typing "", this routing will capture that url then give us the available web page that can be accessed on the google server. Let's see an example in Laravel 5.1. Go to app/https then open the routes.php as shown below :
Default routes code is shown below :
Well.. What does this code do...? the answer is shown in below picture :
Sooo... the "/" in get function is like a directory that we requested on the web browser and return value of this get function is the content of page that is shown in our browser. Okiee... Let's change the return value :
This code will result :
Next, let's change the slash sign of get function as follow :
Now when opening the page, we have to add ~/hyosoka at the end of the url page because I'm changing the '/' to 'hyosoka' so the url now is http://localhost/HisokaLaravel/public/hyosoka 
I hope above examples give you a good sense about how this route works on laravel hehehe...:D
Next, let's add some parameters to get function as shown below :
The result is :
Ummm... What happen if we open the page without itachi at the end...??? Let's see...
So we need to add a simple handler if user doesn't put itachi at the end of url page. It's just a simple code like :
The result if itachi == null or user didn't put the itachi at the end of url page :
Soo... That's the basic routing in laravel according to Hyosoka's mind :D.... Thanks... :-)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Migrating Solution for Laravel 5.1 on XAMPP - Windows 8

First thing we have to do is making a new database using XAMPP. So open your XAMPP control panel then click admin button for MySQL as shown below :
Then click "New" at the top and name your database name then click "Create" button :
After doing that, click the "check the privileges" :
Next "edit privileges" :
As we can see from the above picture, the username is root and the address is, or we can use another host like localhost... :D
Next... go to laravel directory, open .env file and change it according to the new database that has just been made :
okieee... then we need to clear our old configuration first so type
the last type migration command :
Yeeeeei... :D :D :D

Instalasi Laravel di XAMPP - Windows 8

Di sini diperlihatkan proses instalasi laravel di XAMPP. Jadi pertama-tama silahkan install XAMPPnya dulu, bisa dilihat disini. Kemudian install composer, caranya bisa dilihat disini. Nah berikutnya adalah instalasi laravelnya yang mirip-mirip pada postingan instalasi laravel dengan komposer pada postingan sebelumnya. Yang ngebedain adalah lokasi folder laravelnya ditaro didalam directory htdocs yang berada di dalam XAMPP. Di sini misalkan dibuat project baru dengan nama folder HisokaLaravel yang ditaro didalam directore htdocs XAMPP seperti terlihat di bawah :
Jadi seperti terlihat pada cmd diatas, kita beralih dulu ke folder htdocs kemudian ketik perintah :
composer create-project laravel/laravel HisokaLaravel --prefer-dist
Naah... setelah selesai :
Kemudian jalankan apache server lewat XAMPP control panel :
Terus di browser buka alamat http://localhost/HisokaLaravel/public/, ingat HisokaLaravel itu adalah nama foldernya, jadi klu misalkan buat nama folder yang berbeda masukin namanya sesuai dengan nama foldernya... Setelah terbuka, tampilannya kayak gini :
Yeeeeei... Cukup sekian... semoga bermanfaat... :-)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Running PHP Program Using Command Prompt

We can run php program by using command prompt too. But there are some differences if we are using XAMP beside cmd. In cmd, html codes can't be identified, so just don't use html syntax if you are gonna use cmd for compiling your php program. Okieee... let's just use pure php style as shown below :
Save above code, then open command prompt on the same directory where We save our php code. Theen type "php yourPHPcode.php" in command prompt :

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Bluestacks Installation

Download it first from this site.
Instalation process :

After that just open play store on bluestack, you can use your existing account or create another one. Theeen... we can download and start playing games from play store.. Enjoy... :-)

Preview video of playing word of darkness on bluestack can be seen below :-)