Showing posts with label Restful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Restful. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Creating Simple Rest API on Laravel 5.3

First step, lets install a new fresh laravel by executing this command on command prompt windows :
"composer create-project laravel/laravel simple-rest-api"

Okay...let's create a new controller :
Then add this method :
Last,.. add a new route for above method :
Doneee... We have successfully created a rest-api on laravel... :D
For testing it we use postman or soapUI... First let's use postman....
just enter this link on postman :
There you are... We can see that our response is there... So one thing to one in rest-api, we have to return an array from our method or we can use json response also like this :
This one will gonna give the same response like before.... Okaay... using soapUI...
Create a new project on soapUI

Aaand..... Tadaaaaa....

Okaaay... That's all for the first part, we are just using 'get' method here... :)

Go to the next part---post method---