Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Simple SharedPrefences Example in Android

In this post, we will learn about how to use sharedPreferences in android studio with an easy example. So first let's make a new project on Android Studio :
After that, go to layout configuration and change your xml file as shown below (please click on picture to enlarge) :
After configuring our xml layout, next let's go to main activity. Put these code in it :
Yaaaaikzzz.... That's all of it... Let's run our project on real device :
After pressing "save" button, then close your application. Then open it again, now you'll see that your data is still there... This is the simple example of how to use sharedPreferences in android...
Thanks... :-)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Adding Jar Library to Android Studio

This post will gonna show you step by step on how to add a jar library to android studio. First let's make a new project on android studio by selecting "File" then choose "New Project" as shown :
Then Specify your project name, company domain, and location for the project then click "next" :

Then choose your minimum SDK :
Choose your desired activity :
Name your activity name, layout name, etc as shown :
After this just click "Finish" button and wait until the project is ready..............
Well... By default it will be look like  picture shown below when the project it ready :
Ok... First, let's change the hierarchy view by clicking "Android" then choose "Project" as shown below :
After that expand your "App" folder, so you can see a "libs" folder in it :
We will gonna put all of our libraries inside that "libs" folder. So choose your own jar librari then put it to "libs" folder. In this project I'm using gson-2.2.4.jar :
Just copy all of those jars then paste it to "libs" folder as shown below :
Next..., open the build.gradle file inside of app folder by just double click it, then add this code "compile files('gson-2.2.4.jar')" to dependencies curly bracket :

Yaaapzz... Rightnow our jars are ready to be used in our project. So.... go to mainActivity.....click "Sync" first :

Then call a class from out jar librari, for example as shown below :
When we run the project and see the log chat :

Sooo we can see that we have succesfully included our gson-2.2.4.jar to our android studio project...

That's all of it.... I hope these simple steps are useful for you....Thanks... :-)