Friday, February 12, 2016

Installing Screencast Key Manually on Blender 2.76

In this post, you'll gonna see some steps for adding ScreenCast Key to blender manually. Btw, I'm using blender version 2.76 here, If you are using different version, don't worry because the steps are same... ;)

Ok... .First you need to download the add-on from this link :

Just right click on that phyton file, the choose "Save link as" :
After downloading screencast add-on, open your blender, click on "File" menu, choose "User Preferences..." :
A new window will show up
As you can see from above red arrow, click on "Install from File.." button, then choose your downloaded file before...
After installing it, you'll gonna see "3D View: Screencast Keys", just tick on it... Theeen... You are good to rock.. :D
Okiee.. Just close above window. Go to main window in blender, press "N" on your keyboard...then click on "Start Display" as shown below...
Yooossh... It's done.... :D
Leemmee show you...............:v
Hehehe.... That's all of it...

Thank you so much... Happy playing with blender... B-)

Test Transformation Text