Thursday, March 17, 2016

Underlying Provider Failed on Open - Visual Studio 2013

Attempt to load assembly with unsupported test framework in
E:\Etak\Source Code\3party_master_a\com.poipo.hisoka.api.payment.paypal.implementation.IntTests\bin\Debug\com.poipo.hisoka.api.payment.paypal.implementation.IntTests.dll
The underlying provider failed on Open.

Cara ngesolvenya cuma delete .pdb file didalam folder debug seperti yang ditunjukkan directory di atas... :D

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Solving Origin Issue on the SIM 4

The first time I installed the SIM 4, I got this error :
Mmm...after searching some stuff on google, I found 2 solution in order to solve this error. The first one is, just run SIM 4 as an administrator hehehe... :D
The second, if you are using PC 64 bit, theeen.. right click on your SIM 4 icon, then choose properties
Click on "Open File Location"
Then you will gonna see "TS4_x64.exe"
Just double click that file aaand you are good to rock... :D

okie.. I hope these two steps can solve your origin error... Thanks... :)