Sunday, October 2, 2016

Creating Simple Rest API on Laravel 5.3

First step, lets install a new fresh laravel by executing this command on command prompt windows :
"composer create-project laravel/laravel simple-rest-api"

Okay...let's create a new controller :
Then add this method :
Last,.. add a new route for above method :
Doneee... We have successfully created a rest-api on laravel... :D
For testing it we use postman or soapUI... First let's use postman....
just enter this link on postman :
There you are... We can see that our response is there... So one thing to one in rest-api, we have to return an array from our method or we can use json response also like this :
This one will gonna give the same response like before.... Okaay... using soapUI...
Create a new project on soapUI

Aaand..... Tadaaaaa....

Okaaay... That's all for the first part, we are just using 'get' method here... :)

Go to the next part---post method---

Saturday, October 1, 2016

My Control Config for Virtua Tennis 4 =))