Monday, February 5, 2018

Exporting and Importing Amazon RDS using HeidiSQL to Our local Devs Server

First thing first... Login to your amazon rds using heidi :

After that, right click on database that we wanted to export then choose 'Export database as SQL'...

Just hit 'Export' button and wait until it finishs.... :v

When it finished...

Next  step is importing the exported file to ourlocal server... So please running your xampp or wampp... and the connect the heidisql to your local server

Create a new database...

We can actually choose 'Load file(s) into the editor'..... ;)

and then just wait until it finished up... :v

Actually there is another way of thing this.... When exporting the sql from amazon we can actually automatically import it to our local like this :

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Maen vue cli di Windows 7

Nyoba2 dari github ini :

Instalasi :

Nah.. stelah ke install kita bisa pke beberapa template buat vuejs-nya...Template yg tersedia tuuh seperti pada di githubnya kek gini :
Naah... dipostingan ini kita pake yg 'webpack-simple' dl ajjah... so jalanin perintah ini di cmd :
vue init webpack-simple hisoka_simple_webpack_project

Stlah itu kita dminta beberapa pertanyaan...klu mau boleh ajjah lngsung dienter-enter smpe slese...
klu udah slese tar kek gini :

Naaah... jadi pertama kita harus jalanin "npm install" dl buat ngedownload dependency projectnya...

Naaah... stelah selese... tinggal ngerun 'npm run dev'
Terus klu kita bua localhost:8080/ hasilnya :

Siiipsss... berhasil daaaah... :D