Monday, November 12, 2018

Simple network with 4 Switchs and 1 Server

This is the final network diagram
Below is configuration for PC0 and PC1, and also for the Server 0:

Config for server 0:

So we have set that PC0 IP address is and the Server0 IP address is So if we do a ping from PC0 to Server0, then it looks like this :

From above ping command result, we can see that PC0 and Server0 can communicate each other, means that our network diagram is all okie dokie...

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Installing CiscoPacketTracer 711_64 bit

Okay dipostingan ini kita akan melakukan instalasi PacketTracer di windows 10. So pertama-tama silahkan download aplikasinya. Klu saya downloadnya dari sini :
Trs klu udah didownload... silahkn didouble click...

After restarting our laptop, then we can directly double click the icon as shown below :

Just logiiin... aaaandddd....tadaaaa...

Doneee... Thank yewww... :v