Friday, May 3, 2019

fontawesome-webfont.ttf:1 not found in cakephp 2.10.12

This question already asked here : (I acctually answered it by myself :v)
So the point is font-awesome cannot find the webfont-ttf1 and webfont-ttf2. And the solution is just create a new directory inside of webroot called 'fonts' and put 'fontawesome-webfont.ttf` there :

So next.... How do we find that fontawesome-webfont.ttf ? weell... from searching... ahaa... and I downloaded it from here
So thanks for tegalsari-ubud website ;-)
and the result isss shown below..

yuupss... That's oll, tenkyew

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Dokumentasi Singkat Test Local Server Git

Untuk ngebuat local server git di laptop kita, kita cuma pake command
git init --bare (ini bakalan ngebuat local server)

terus untuk testing, disini pake dua local client seperti terlihat dibawah (CLIENT1)